Tea Maho 1st First Authored Paper is on Dental Anatomy of Seymouria
Tea Maho (MSc student) from Reisz Lab published her 1st First Authored Paper: Dental anatomy and replacement patterns in the early Permian stem amniote, Seymouria in Journal of Anatomy
The exquisite preservation of maxillary and mandibular fragments of Seymouria has allowed us to examine for the first time in detail the dental anatomy and patterns of development in this stem amniote. The results obtained through histological examination show that Seymouria has pleurodont implantation with ankylosis of the tooth to the labial side of the jawbone. The clear presence of plicidentine, infolding of dentine into the pulp cavity, was found within the tooth root extending into the tooth crown. Lastly, the tooth replacement pattern is alternating, illustrating that Seymouria retains the classic primitive condition for tetrapods, a pattern that is continued in amniotes. Our results provide an important basis for comparison with other stem amniotes and with amniotes.