Dr. Michael Bogan
Associate Professor, University of Arizona, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
PI: Prof. Shannon McCauley
January 24, 2025
12 to 1 PM
Associate Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP
Associate Professor, Entomology / Insect Science - GIDP
Title: "Just add water: ecological benefits and management challenges of flow restoration in an urban river"
Abstract: Many rivers and streams in western North America were dewatered historically by water resource development for agricultural and urban uses. However, in some of these dewatered streams, treated wastewater has been used to restore flow and re-create riparian and aquatic ecosystems. In this presentation, I will show how surprisingly resilient many riverine species were after nearly a century of habitat loss. I also will highlight how their evolutionary adaptations to life in harsh desert rivers help them cope with some of the more challenging aspects of life in an effluent-dependent urban river. Finally, I will describe some of the educational and outreach activities we've pursued to reconnect residents with their local river, so that flow and habitat restoration efforts are sustained and expanded in the future.
Background: Michael studies how drought and other flow regime disturbances interact with species' dispersal abilities to shape biodiversity in streams. He previously was a David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow at University of California Berkeley with Prof. Stephanie Carlson and did his graduate research at Oregon State University with Prof. David Lytle.
Visit the Aquatic Ecology at UA website to learn more about Dr. Bogan!