Saturday, May 31, 2014
1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Various campus locations
The classroom experience without the final exam! Experience short lectures and interactive sessions in a variety of disciplines as University of Toronto Mississauga faculty deliver Classes without Quizzes.
Please go to the Welcome Tent outside the Instructional Centre to check-in and meet your tour guide. Complimentary parking.
A Beginner’s Guide to Killing Cancer Cells
Known as someone to watch, Professor Patrick Gunning describes his ground-breaking and facinating research in engineering cancer-targeting molecules at University of Toronto Mississauga.
Crime Scene Analysis
Take a walk to the UTM Crime Scene House and help solve a mystery with real CSI expert and Associate Professor of Anthroplogy, Tracy Rogers.
The Wonder of Languages
Learn why language is is one of the most impressive things we do as a species and learn how "not to sound like a tourist" in 15 minutes or less with French, Italian, Spanish, Hindi and Chinese language lessons.
Please contact Alumni Relations if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.