Mentorship Opportunities

Support students and young alumni as they prepare for life after university, explore career choices and develop skills necessary for today's employment market.

Becoming an alumni mentor to a student strengthens our UTM alumni community. Your wealth of knowledge as an emerging leader or as an individual with years of experience, will provide insight and first-hand knowledge that could impact the student experience in significant ways. 

Two female alumnae smiling at the camera

U of T Mississauga Alumni Mentorship Program

Alumni who are at least five years post-graduation are encouraged to participate as mentors in person or remotely to UTM students or young alumni over the academic year. Learn more.

Two cups of coffee on a white table with coffee beans

U of T Hub on Ten Thousand Coffees

Share your career advice over coffee with the U of T hub on Ten Thousand Coffees - the digital tool that links U of T students (or recent grads) with alumni over coffee, by phone or online. Learn more.

Man sitting at table with cup of coffee

Extern Job Shadow Program

Job shadow connects students with employers in a meaningful way and provides an opportunity to test-drive a career and get a sneak peak at what life might look like post-graduation. Learn more.

This mentorship experience is in partnership with the UTM Career Centre.