Join fellow U of T alumni and friends for a lecture about what our changing eating habits mean for the food industry
- 6:30 p.m. Refreshments
- 7:00 p.m. Presentation
- Q & A to follow
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Lionhead Golf Club & Conference Centre
8525 Mississauga Road, Brampton, ON (View Map)
6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Parking is complimentary
Presented by
Dr. Lisa Kramer
Professor of Finance, Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga
Research Fellow, Behavioural Economics in Action at Rotman (BEAR), University of Toronto
Strolling through your neighbourhood grocery store, you have no doubt encountered a growing selection of plant-based alternatives to meat. The Beyond Burger, vegan cheese, and chicken-free nuggets are just a thin slice of what is on offer.
Professor Kramer will provide an overview of the rapidly evolving marketplace for these new products which aim to cater not only to vegans but also mainstream consumers. She will also discuss ground-breaking technology, so-called “clean meat” or “cellular agriculture”, which is poised to disrupt the food-production industry by replacing the need to raise live animals with the prospect of real meat produced through cell cultivation. All of these new developments foretell a looming revolution in the market for meat, with potential benefits to the environment, human health, and animal well-being.
Lisa Kramer, PhD, is a Professor of Finance at the University of Toronto. She conducts interdisciplinary work in the field of behavioural finance, blending psychology and economics to study markets and financial decision making. She also has interests in neuroeconomics, investments, market seasonality, human decisions, mood, and emotions. Her research has appeared in economics, finance, business ethics, and psychology journals, including the American Economic Review. Her studies have been extensively profiled by the popular press, including The Wall Street Journal, US News and World Reports, The Washington Post, Bloomberg Business, Business Week, and Time.
Please contact Alumni Relations if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.
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UTM Beyond the Campus
Professor Kramer’s presentation is part of an ongoing series of compelling lectures for alumni, hosted by the University of Toronto Mississauga. UTM Beyond the Campus brings the latest research and ideas from UTM faculty to your neighbourhood keeping you informed, inspired and connected.
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