Backpack to Briefcase: Happy & Resilient

Join fellow U of T students and alumni for a talk on how to cultivate happiness and build resilience to thrive both personally and professionally.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
UTM Room, Room 3141

William G. Davis Building
University of Toronto Mississauga (View Map)
Live Webcast Available (Eastern Standard Time)

  • 11:45 p.m. Doors open
  • 12:10 p.m. Remarks and presentation
  • Q & A to follow


Paid parking is available in parking lots P4 and P8. (View Map)

Complimentary pizza and beverages will be served.

Presented by

Dr. Rumeet Billan

Rumeet Billan (BA 2006 UTM, MEd 2010, PhD 2014)
President and CEO, Viewpoint Leadership

Happiness can be a powerful catalyst to improve productivity, build resilience, and thrive when it is coupled with the right evidence-based information and interventions. Globally, two-thirds of people rate happiness as their top priority; however, research shows that happiness levels are at an all-time low. Further, workplaces are struggling to foster positive well-being among employees in the face of rapid change, challenges, and uncertainty. The latest research indicates that happiness and resilience are powerful skills and capabilities that can be nurtured and developed, and this interactive training session will focus on the tools and strategies that cultivate happiness and build resilience to thrive both personally and professionally.

Dr. Rumeet Billan is an award-winning, internationally recognized entrepreneur, learning architect, speaker, author and humanitarian. Her mission is to raise potential by designing experiences that build resilience. Dr. Billan is the President and CEO of Viewpoint Leadership and an expert on Psychological Capital. She completed her PhD at the University of Toronto and has designed and facilitated programs, courses, and training sessions across industries and sectors. She led the ground-breaking national research study on Tall Poppy Syndrome which reveals the impact of the silent systemic syndrome on women in the workplace and is the National Ambassador for Not Myself Today®, an initiative of the Canadian Mental Health Association that aims to transform workplace cultures. Recently, she released her first award-winning and bestselling book, Who Do I Want To Become?, designed for children and adults who are struggling with the question of what they want to be when they grow up. She also serves on the Board of Directors of CODE and for G(irls)20, a renowned global non-profit that aims to mobilize girls and young women for economic advancement locally and worldwide.

Please contact Alumni Relations if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.

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Backpack to Briefcase

Dr. Billan’s lecture is part of an ongoing series of talks and events for U of T students and young alumni to learn new skills, develop professional networks, and hear advice and encouragement from alumni, faculty and industry experts.

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