Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
William G. Davis Building, Faculty Club, Room 3140
University of Toronto Mississauga (MAP)
Sociology professor Randol Contreras came of age in the South Bronx of the 1980s during the rise of crack cocaine. As lucrative crack market opportunities disappeared, South Bronx Dominican drug thieves, known on the streets as "Stickup Kids," began to brutally rob drug dealers of large amounts of drugs and cash.
Contreras returns to his past in the South Bronx with a sociological eye to examine the lives of his neighbourhood friends who went from being crack dealers to drug robbers. Straight from his award-winning book, The Stickup Kids, Contreras uncovers the hidden social forces that produced violent and self-destructive individuals, and led to extraordinary violence among marginalized urban residents during the Crack Era.
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Complimentary parking in lots P4 and P8.
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