Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2019
Noon - 1 p.m. EST
Live webcast & in person
Council Chamber, Room 3130, William G. Davis Building
University of Toronto Mississauga (MAP)
Resilience is a powerful skill and capability that can be developed. It is the ability to bounce back from obstacles and setbacks to achieve higher levels of performance. It requires developing positive adaptation processes to help overcome the challenges that we face and the use of positive experiences to build confidence in our strengths and abilities. It promotes self-efficacy, confidence and possibility thinking. This session focuses on how we can develop strategies to build our psychological capital and resilience in order to improve the experiences that we have to reach our full potential.
Rumeet Billan (BA 2006, MEd 2010, PhD 2014) is an award-winning, internationally recognized entrepreneur, learning architect, speaker, author and humanitarian. Her mission is to raise potential by designing experiences that build resilience. Dr. Billan is the President and CEO of Viewpoint Leadership and an expert on Psychological Capital and Resilience. She completed her PhD at the University of Toronto and has designed and facilitated programs, courses, and training sessions across industries and sectors. She led the groundbreaking national research study on The Tall Poppy Syndrome which reveals the impact of the silent systemic syndrome on women in the workplace and is the National Ambassador for Not Myself Today®, an initiative of the Canadian Mental Health Association that aims to transform workplace cultures. Recently, she released her first bestselling book, Who Do I Want To Become?, designed for children and adults who are struggling with the question of what they want to be when they grow up.
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