2024 UTM Alumni Association Annual General Meeting

UTM Maanjiwe Nendamowinan building on a sunny day

Join fellow UTM alumni and the UTM Alumni Association Board of Directors for a virtual annual general meeting to hear about alumni programming from the 2023/2024 academic year and plans for the coming year.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST
Zoom Webinar




  • Welcome and call to order
  • Approval of the agenda
  • Approval of minutes from the May 17, 2023 AGM
  • President's report
  • Presentation of slate of officers
  • Recognition of retiring board members
  • Director of Alumni Relations report
  • Closing remarks and adjournment


Alumni who wish to submit additional agenda items for consideration must do so no later than Thursday, May 2 via the registration link above. The Chair of the meeting will determine if the proposed items present a legitimate item of business for the AGM. Information for the agenda items requiring a vote will be sent to meeting registrants one week prior to the AGM.


Members* of the UTM Alumni Association may vote by proxy at the AGM if the proxy is submitted at least 24 hours prior to the AGM. A proxy can be submitted through the online form. A proxy holder does not have to be a member of the UTMAA, however, the person granting the proxy must be a member.

*Membership includes every alumna/alumnus of UTM and any individual who has successfully completed one year of full-time study or five (5) course equivalents and is no longer enrolled as a student at the University.

The University of Toronto Mississauga Alumni Association is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, which seeks to complement and support the efforts of UTM's leadership to engage alumni and students through meaningful and enriching experiences and to mobilize alumni in support of UTM's mission. Alumni support UTM's academic mission, leadership, and worldwide impact through their achievements, advocacy, expertise, volunteerism and philanthropy.

Please contact Alumni Relations if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.

Stay connected through upcoming events.