UTM Working Groups

Updated: April 2024

Program Purpose:

Each working group will be led by at least one UTM faculty member in the Humanities or Social Sciences. Senior UTM undergraduates, faculty from other University of Toronto divisions or other universities along with postdoctoral fellows and graduate students may be involved.


The group will work towards common scholarly and research goals identified with a specific topic. Whereas the Annual Seminar is meant to be expansive, the Working Groups are intended to tackle specific topics of interest.

Groups must be interdisciplinary. And each group must have participation from at least two different disciplines/fields, preferably from different departments/units. Each group should have a minimum of five University of Toronto members and include at least two faculty members, at least one of which is based at UTM; the rest of the group can be a mix students (graduate and/or undergraduate), faculty, librarians, and/or community partners including from outside of U of T. All members of the group are expected to participate fully in the group’s activities. There must be a lead who is a faculty member based at UTM.

Activities of the working group may include but are not limited to readings and discussion of papers; field trips to collections or archives; collaborative research, publication, or grant applications; or hosting distinguished visitors. The UTM campus will be the host site of activity for the Working Group, but some events may be held at other locations if appropriate.

Working Groups are funded for 1 year, with possibility of renewal once. Working Groups may be linked to other conferences or seminars. Up to 3 Working Groups may be sponsored each academic year, each receiving $3,000. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of senior arms-length colleagues.

How to Apply:

A complete application package includes the following material:

  1. Proposal: 2 pages maximum (single space, 12pt New Times Roman), in clear
non-specialist language, under these headings:

    · Description of Research and Scholarly Activity to be undertaken by the working group, including aims and outcomes of the working group
 Organization and leadership for the working group
    · Timetable of events and activities for the year
  2. List of Participants in the planning group and their affiliations, which can include anticipated participants (1 additional page maximum for the participant table) with the following columns:
    ·  Name
    ·  Affiliation
    ·  Faculty/Postdoc/Grad Student/Undergraduate
  3. Itemized budget and justification (additional 1 page maximum)

Applications should be submitted via an online application form. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Applications need to be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks prior to the point in time at which the Working Group will require the funding, in order to allow sufficient time for the transfer of funding to be processed by Financial Services.

If you have any questions about this funding opportunity, please email to funding.ovpri.utm@utoronto.ca.

Click here to view past recipients and projects.