

Join us this August for SURF 2024!

Preparations are underway for this year’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF). This event will be held on campus on Tuesday, August 20 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Registration is open to all undergraduate students conducting a Summer 2024 research project under the supervision of a UTM faculty researcher. If you have undergraduate students conducting research with you this summer, please encourage them to register. We welcome student research from all disciplines and will help them prepare for the event.  
And we hope you’ll join us! Registration for general attendance is now open. Please register by Tuesday, August 6, 2024. We look forward to celebrating the student research taking place at UTM! 


Calling all authors! 2024 Celebration of Books

Planning for the 2024 Celebration of Books has begun! This much-anticipated annual event is co-hosted by the OVPRI and the UTM Library. If you are an author or editor who published a scholarly monograph in 2023 or 2024, please submit your major publications for inclusion in this year's Celebration, which will be held at UTM on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. 

Your book will be purchased by the UTM Library, added to the online exhibit, and displayed during the event so our community can learn more about the exciting research happening across our campus. We will also hear from a small group of authors/editors through a series of lightning talks. If you are interested in speaking at the event, please indicate this on the submission form when you submit your book information

If you have questions about the event or prefer to submit your book information via email, please contact Dany Savard at

Research Office now includes "innovation" in title

Effective immediately, we will be known as the Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation (OVPRI). This change reflects the expanded scope of our office and aligns us with our peer offices at U of T Scarborough and the Division of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation at St. George. The new title also informs the search currently underway for UTM’s new Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation (VPRI).  

We recommend that you update any browser bookmarks with our new website URL: Furthermore, if you refer people to our website on your own site or in other shared materials, please update this URL in those spots as well. If you have any questions, please contact Tanya Rohrmoser, Senior Communications Officer at


OVPRI publishes Synergy: 2023 Annual Report

We are pleased to share Synergy, our Annual Report for 2023. In it, you'll find evidence of the collaboration and partnerships taking place across UTM — the synergistic effects of leadership, faculty, staff, and students working together to support and empower research discovery and impact. Read the 2023 report to learn how we're supporting the exciting research happening across the UTM campus — and to see where we're headed in the year to come.

Read the 2023 Report


Mandatory Requirement to Use U of T's Central Chemical Inventory System

The University’s central chemical inventory system has been available to the research community since late 2017, and over 130,000 separate chemical containers have been logged since then. While this is impressive, some parts of the University are not yet using our centralized inventory system.

The chemical inventory system is an essential health and safety requirement. There have been recent changes to the way that U of T conducts its environmental compliance activities under municipal, provincial, and federal legislation (for references, please read the memorandum sent February 13, 2024) that have increased the need for up-to-date chemical inventory information.

The U of T-wide reporting and tracking of chemicals is handled jointly by Facilities and Services and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), but the information used for this reporting needs to come from laboratories themselves. As a result, use of the University's HECHMET central chemical inventory system will be a mandatory requirement for all labs with hazardous chemicals. We recognize that laboratories need time to meet this new requirement, so all U of T researchers using hazardous chemicals must begin the process no later than May 1, 2024 and complete initial logging in the HECHMET system by March 1, 2025.

Please note that EHS pays all support and licensing fees for the system and has dedicated staff to support labs. EHS also provides pre-printed barcode labels, free training, manages access, and can assist with audits and reconciliation.

For further information on joining the system, please contact the University central chemical inventory administrator at

Read the HECHMET Implementation Plan Guide



News & Events

Every day, UTM researchers are making news on campus, online, and on the air waves—and we’re here to share it. We’ll show you what they’re working on and celebrate their exceptional stories.