Students should ONLY enroll in courses for which they have the required prerequisites. In order for a course to be properly taught and understood, instructors depend on their students having and knowing the background material. Review the current Academic Calendar for list of Psychology courses and required prerequisites. Knowing what the prerequisites are before you enroll in your course(s) is your responsibility. Similar transfer credits from other institutions will be accepted as prerequisites.
Students lacking one or more prerequisites WILL BE REMOVED from the course up to the last day to add courses for any given session. In limited circumstances the department may exempt students from a stated course prerequisite. Such exemptions must be approved by the Undergraduate Academic Advisor by completing and submitting a prerequisite waiver form.
- PSY100Y5 - Introductory Psychology is rarely ever waived as it serves as a basic background and understanding for all 200-level Psychology courses.
- PSY201H5 - Introduction to Quantitative Research in Psychology I is rarely ever waived as it serves as a required course for all 300/400-level psychology courses.
- Prerequisite waivers must be approved by the Department, NOT the Course Instructor.
- Prerequisite waivers will NOT be granted for courses with waitlists.
- Being granted a prerequisite waiver does not guarantee you a spot in the course, it simply means you will not be removed from the course.
- You will be informed by email whether or not your request has been approved.
Summer Prerequisite Waivers
- considered after April 30.
Fall / Winter Prerequisite Waivers
- Fall Courses - considered after the 'Priority' enrolment control has been removed (end of July)
- Winter Courses - considered end of October.
Should you have any questions or concerns pertaining to prerequisites, please contact the
Undergraduate Academic Advisor