Soo Min Toh
Room:KN 263
Mailing Address:
Kaneff Centre, 3359 Mississauga Rd.
Mississauga ON L5L1C6
Soo Min Toh's main research interests deal with the interactions of sojourners with their host country co-workers and supervisors. She is interested in how these relationships affect the psychological, socio-cultural, and economic adaptation of the sojourners. She is also interested in the role of social undermining on the outcomes of immigrants. Currently, Soo Min is engaged in a research project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council examining how the experiences of new immigrants in Canada affect their long-term career success.
Soo Min’s research has been published in premier journals such as the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Applied Psychology, and Psychological Science, as well as numerous international conferences. She currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of World Business. She has taught courses in international management, as well as courses and workshops in organizational behaviour and human resource management since her appointment to UTM in 2003. Prior to joining UTM, Soo Min obtained her Ph.D. in Management at the Texas A&M University, and her Bachelors of Business Studies in the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Publications - Paper
- Perceptions of task cohesiveness and organizational support increase trust and information sharing between host country nationals and expatriate coworkers in Oman; Toh, S. M., & Srinivas, E. S.; Journal of World Business; Issue: 47(4); 2012; Pages: 696-705
- Cultural constraints on the emergence of women leaders; Toh, S. M., & Leonardelli, G.; Journal of World Business; Issue: 47(4), Special Issue on Leadership in a global context New directions in research and theory development. (Cited by Chrystia Freeland in her March 15th article on the; 2012; Pages: 604-411
- Procedural justice and social categorization together improve intergroup cooperation: Perceiving expatriate coworkers as foreigners encourages aid; Leonardelli, G. J. & Toh, S. M.; Psychological Science; Issue: 22(1); 2011; Pages: 110-117
- A performance theory perspective on expatriate success: The role of self-efficacy and motivation; Varma, A., Pichler, S., & Toh, S. M.; International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management; Issue: 11(1); 2011; Pages: 38-50
- Human resource configurations: Investigating fit with the organizational context; Toh, S. M., Morgeson, F. P., & Campion, M.; Journal of Applied Psychology; Issue: 93(4); 2008; Pages: 864-882
- Host country nationals as socializing agents: A social Identity approach; Toh, S. M. & DeNisi, A. S.; Journal of Organizational Behavior; Issue: 28(3); 2007; Pages: 281-301
- A new perspective on the female expatriate experience: The role of host country national categorization; Varma, A., Toh, S. M., & Budhwar, P.; Journal of World Business; Issue: 41(2); 2006; Pages: 112-120. *Top 10 most cited in the last 5 years: 2006-2011
- Ingratiation in applications: Impact on selection decisions; Varma, A., Toh, S. M., Pichler, S.; Journal of Managerial Psychology; Issue: 21(3); 2006; Pages: 200-210
- A local perspective to expatriate success; Toh, S. M. & DeNisi, A. S.; Academy of Management Executive; Issue: 19(1); 2005; Pages: 132-146
- Understanding management doctoral student research as a creative endeavor; Dewett, T., Shin, S. J., Toh, S. M., & Semadeni, M.; College Quarterly; Issue: 8(1); 2005
- Host country national (HCN) reactions to expatriate pay policies: A proposed model and some implications.; Toh, S. M., & DeNisi, A. S.; Academy of Management Review; Issue: 28; 2003; Pages: 606-621
- Cultural responses to victimization in the workplace; Toh, S. M., & Gunz, H. P.; (Working Paper)
- Individual differences influence when social undermining matters to employment efficacy and career success of immigrant professionals; Toh, S. M., & Gunz, H. P., Yanar, B.; (Working Paper)
- Cultural Constraints on the Emergence of Women Leaders: How Global Leaders Can Promote Women in Different Cultures; Toh, S. M., & Leonardelli, G. J,; Organizational Dynamics, Special Issue on Global Leadership (In press)
Publications - Books and Chapters
- The perspective of host country nationals in socializing expatriates: The importance of foreign-local relations; With DeNisi, A. S., & Leonardelli, G.; In C. Wanberg (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Socialization. New York: Oxford University Press.; 2011
- Building Expatriate-Host Country National Relationships: The Effects of Human Resources Practices, International Strategy, and Mode of Entry.; DeNisi, A. S., Toh, S. M., & Connelly, B.; In Morley, M. J., Heraty, N., & Collings, D. (Eds.), International HRM and International Assignments. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers; 2006