Fire & Safety Information

General Fire & Safety Information

General Safety Tips:

  • Lock exterior windows and doors
  • Draw curtains or shades at night and when not at home
  • Do not let unknown people into your residence
  • Discuss safety issues with your housemates and residence staff

Report suspicious people, vehicles, and situations to UTM Campus Safety and/or your Don-on-Duty

Upon discovery of a fire:

  1. Leave the fire area
  2. Close all doors behind you
  3. Leave via nearest exit
  4. Call the Fire Department (Dial 9-1-1) and your Don-On-Duty from a safe place
  5. Do not return until the Fire Official has declared the situation safe

Occupants are advised to:

  • Be fully acquainted with the fire protection installations that are provided for your safety
  • Know where the fire exits are
  • Call the Fire Department at 9-1-1 if you need emergency assistance
  • Know the fire route address of your residence community (addresses vary)

Safety Resources

  • UTM Campus Safety - non-emergency: 905-828-5200
  • UTM Campus Safety - emergency: 905-569-4333
  • U of T Community Safety Office - 416-978-1485
  • Peel Regional Police - non-emergency: 905-453-3311
  • Peel Regional Police - emergency: 9-1-1

Fire & Safety in Residence

The safety of our Residents is of the utmost importance to us. Below is some important fire safety information that all residents are required to know for their stay on campus.

Please review the fire safety information for your residence community:

If you require special assistance during a fire alarm or emergency evacuation, please complete the information in the form found at the following link. The form is voluntary and the information provided is confidential and will only be used in the event of an
emergency. Emergency Preparedness - Special Assistance Form