English is the language of instruction and examination at the University of Toronto, and success in our programs requires a high level of English language proficiency.
Do you need to submit proof of English language facility?
If English is your first language (i.e. the first language you learned at home as a child), you do not need to submit proof of English language facility.
If English is not your first language, you will need to submit proof of English language facility, unless any of the following scenarios apply to you:
- You have completed/are completing four or more years of full-time academic study in a recognized Canadian school (in Canada) that teaches in English.
- You have completed/are completing four or more years of full-time academic study in an English language school located in a country where the dominant language is English.
- French is your first language and you have completed four or more years of full-time academic study at a Canadian school.
If you meet any of the criteria above, please complete the “English Language Test Exemption Request Form” available on the Join U of T Applicant Website after submitting your application.
Regardless of your situation, you are required to present a Grade 12/Senior English course (equivalent to Ontario ENG4U/EAE4U) for admission to all undergraduate programs. The English course's grade will be considered in the admissions process and calculated as part of your admission average.
Do you quality for an exemption?
If the scenarios above do not apply to you, but feel that you should still be exempt from submitting proof of English facility, you may qualify for an exemption:
- Submit your application to U of T Mississauga via OUAC.
- Provide your full academic history on your application.
- Provide all relevant transcripts to U of T.
You may also qualify for an exemption if you have studied in English (for at least four years) in any of the countries/territories listed under "Countries That May Qualify for Exemption" on the Future Students website.
Remember that your eligibility for an exemption will be determined after you have submitted your application for admission and all relevant supporting documents.
Acceptable Tests of English Facility
If you are required to present proof of English language facility, you can satisfy the requirement by completing one of the tests/qualifications listed below with acceptable results. We will not accept your Grade 12/Senior English results, your results in any other English course/tests, or letters of reference from your school or employer for this purpose.
For a full list of acceptable tests as well as detailed instructions, please visit: future.utoronto.ca/apply/english-language-requirements/
Requirements: A minimum overall score of 180, with at least 170 in each component. Results from the B2 First exam are not accepted (regardless of the result achieved). For information visit: www.cambridgeenglish.org.
Submitting Results: Use the "Send Your Result" function of the Candidate Results portal to send your results electronically to the University of Toronto.
Requirements: The minimum score required to meet our English facility requirement is an overall score of 70 and no part below 60. For information visit: www.cael.ca.
Submitting Results: Official final results should be sent to us directly by the testing service.
Requirements: The minimum requirement is a final grade of A (I) or B (II) in CSEC English.
Submitting Results: Final results should be sent to us directly by CXC.
Requirements: The minimum requirement for tests completed on or after July 1st, 2024 is an overall score of 120 with a score of 120 in Production. The minimum requirement for tests completed before July 1st, 2024 is an overall score of 120, with no subscore below 100. For more information visit: englishtest.duolingo.com.
Submitting Results: To avoid processing delays, do not send your results until you have received your U of T applicant number. To send your results, log in to your Duolingo English Test account and use the “Send Results” function to forward your results to “University of Toronto – Undergraduate”. You will be prompted to add your U of T applicant number to your request.
Requirements: The minimum requirement is a total score of 86, with 32 in Writing and 22 in each of Reading and Listening
Discretionary Range: total score 80 or higher, with 32 in Writing and 22 in each of Reading and Listening
Test results that fall into the discretionary range will be reviewed automatically. Applicants will be notified if their discretionary range score satisfies the English language requirement. As we cannot guarantee that these scores will be accepted, it is recommended that applicants arrange to take another test if the official results can be submitted to us by the appropriate document deadline.
ELDA/COPE is currently available in Toronto only. For information visit: www.copetest.com.
Submitting Results: Results must be sent to us electronically by the testing service.
Requirements: A minimum final grade of “B” (“6” in reformed qualifications) in GCSE/IGCSE/GCE Ordinary Level English, English Language, or English as a Second Language; OR a minimum final or predicted grade of “C” in GCE A Level/AS Level/AICE English or English Language
Submitting Results: Final results should be sent to us directly by the appropriate examination authority. Predicted results should be sent by your school.
Requirements: The minimum requirement is a score of at least 4 (predicted or final) in Higher or Standard Level English A: Literature or English A: Language and Literature. HL English B is not acceptable.
Submitting Results: Final results should be sent to us directly by the International Baccalaureate Organization. You can make your request online at: www.ibo.org. Predicted results should be sent by your school.
Requirements: The minimum requirement is an overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0. Results from IELTS (Academic) for UKVI test sittings are accepted. For information visit www.ielts.org.
Note: we do not accept the IELTS Indicator test or results from the IELTS One Skill Retake. Applicants must achieve the scores listed above on a single date.
Submitting Results: We only accept scores submitted electronically by the IELTS test centre. An institutional code is not required. Contact your IELTS test centre directly to arrange for your scores to be sent electronically to our account via the IELTS Results Service. All test centres worldwide are able to transmit your scores to our system. You must provide the following information to your test centre when submitting:
- IELTS Results Service Account name: University of Toronto - Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
- IELTS Results Service Account address: 172 St. George St., Toronto ON M5R 0A3
Requirements: The minimum requirement is a three-year/Advanced Diploma or current enrolment in the final semester of a three-year/Advanced Diploma or Applied Degree program with overall standing of “B+”. A current, updated transcript is required. All three or four years of study must be completed in Ontario.
Submitting Results: Official transcripts must be sent to us directly by the OUAC.
Requirements: The minimum requirement is an overall score of 65 with no part below 60. Results from PTE (Academic) UKVI test sittings are accepted. For information visit: https://www.pearsonpte.com/
Submitting Results: We only accept scores submitted electronically through MyPte account. For more information visit: https://www.pearsonpte.com/help-center/scoring
Requirements: The minimum scores required for the different TOEFL tests are:
Internet-based Test (including Home Edition):
- Minimum Requirement: total score of 89 with 22 in each of Speaking and Writing.
Paper-delivered Test: results will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Applicants must achieve the scores listed above on a single test date. TOEFL MyBest (super-scored) results will not be used.
We do not accept TOEFL Essentials, TOEFL ITP, or TOEFL ITP Plus For China for admission purposes.
Submitting Results: Results must be sent to us electronically from ETS – TOEFL. The institution code is 0982-00. For information visit: www.ets.org/toefl.
Requirements: The minimum requirement is a grade of “B” at the 60/Advanced level.
For information visit: english.learn.utoronto.ca.
Submitting Results: Upon successful completion of the Academic English Level 60 course, you must ask the English Language Program office to send the results electronically to Enrolment Services.
Requirements: The minimum requirement is one year of full-time study completed at a recognized university in a country where English is the dominant language. At least four full-year transferable courses completed with a grade of “C” in each are required. Courses in progress will also be considered. A current, updated transcript is required.
Submitting Results: Official final transcripts should be sent to us directly by the university, or through the OUAC if you attended university in Ontario.
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The Academic Culture and English (ACE@UTM) program is designed for students who have been admitted to U of T Mississauga but require additional English language development. The successful completion of ACE@UTM is sometimes a condition of an offer of admission to the university – please refer to your original offer of admission if you are unsure.