Joshua N. Milstein
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Research Areas:
Biological physics, Microbial ecology
Research Profile:

We are a group of Physicists and Biologists working collaboratively to develop and apply single-molecule and single-cell optical techniques to complex, biological systems. Our efforts range from employing super-resolved localization microscopy, to quantify the abundance and stoichiometry of proteins and nucleic acids within cells, to combining microfluidics with computational microscopy, to study the competitive population dynamics of bacteria. We develop bioimage analytic software, from image filtering, to machine learning and segmentation algorithms, to three-dimensional clustering algorithms. And we apply optical force spectroscopy, with pioneering efforts in axial optical tweezers and passive tethered particle motion assays, to study DNA-protein interactions, gene transcription and genetic silencing.
Courses Taught:
PHY255H5, PHY325H5, PHY421H5, PHY146, JCP322, and JCB487Y5 (undergraduate); PHY2704H1 (graduate)
For an up to date list of publications, please visit: http://www.utm.utoronto.ca/milsteinlab/publications/