Robert Reisz

Robert R. Reisz



Vertebrate Paleontology. Over the past few years I have studied the anatomy, phylogeny and relationships of Paleozoic amniotes from North America and Europe. These fossils not only record the first successful adaptation of vertebrates to a fully terrestrial mode of life, but are also at the base of subsequent adaptive radiations that eventually gave rise to modern reptiles, birds and mammals. These fossils therefore provide a unique opportunity for studies of the origin and evolutionary radiation of all amniotes.



  • Reisz, R. R. and Smith, M.M. 2001. Lungfish dental pattern conserved for 360 million years. Nature 411: 548.
  • Rybczynski, N. and Reisz, R.R. 2001. Earliest evidence for efficient oral processing in a terrestrial herbivore. Nature 411: 684- 687.
  • Berman, D.S., Reisz, R.R., Henrici, A.A., Sumida, S.S. and Martens, T. 2000. Early Permian Bipedal Reptile. Science 290: 969- 972.
  • Reisz, R.R., and Sues, H-D. 2000. The ‘feathers' of Longisquama. Nature 408: 428.