Monday, January 29, 2018
5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Mondello Ristorante
127 Queen St. South, Mississauga (MAP)
This event is SOLD OUT.
Confused about cutlery and glassware? Polish up your skills at this interactive dinner with etiquette expert, Leanne Pepper. Pepper will walk you through dining etiquette with a focus on table manners and the finer points of continental-style dining at Mondello Ristorante, owned and operated by UTM alumna, Jessica Spiteri, BComm’09. Bring your appetite and your sense of humour!
Tickets are $35 per person in advance.
- Fresh bread with olive oil and balsamic
- Cream of sweet potato and carrot soup
- Mixed greens salad with tomato, cucumber, red onion, carrot and balsamic vinaigrette
- Choice of entrée:
- Free range chicken with wild mushrooms and a white wine and cream sauce served with fresh vegetables and potato
- Eggplant parmigiana with fresh breading, tomato sauce and mozzarella served with fresh vegetables and potato
- Lasagna with fresh pasta, group beef, wild mushrooms, caramelized onion, mozzarella, red pepper, celery, carrots and fresh tomato sauce
- Chocolate tartufo
- Soft drinks, and freshly brewed coffee and tea
- Cash bar
This event is SOLD OUT. Tickets are non-refundable. Space is limited.
Parking is available at Mondello Ristorante or students may use their U-Pass to take bus 44 North from UTM.
In preparation for the event, review how to dress for success with tips from the UTM Career Centre.
Backpack to Briefcase is presented in partnership with the University of Toronto Mississauga Alumni Association.
Please contact Alumni Relations if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.
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